Wickedd Childd’s Favourite Tracks Of 2015 – As Chosen By Our Contributors

Wickedd Childd’s Favourite Tracks Of 2015


It’s been another gigantic year in music – some of the team at Wickedd Childd have taken the time to select their 3 favourite tracks of the year to celebrate the end of 2015.


  1. Safia: Counting Sheep.

It’s always interesting to see whether the songs put forward mid-year can still make the cut at the end of the year.  This one is definitely still up there.  Safia smashed it at Splendour and they also released ‘Embracing Me’ which very nearly made this list in its own right.  My previous inclusion and review (here) still stands and the repeat count on Spotify and iTunes continues to rise at an embarrassing rate.

  1. The Rubens: Hoops

I’ve identified the origin of the addiction: Triple J and their stupid ‘feature album’ scheme.  As soon as the ear-worm crawled its way through my cranial nerve I knew that my playlist and I had been infected.  You might say the song was on a continuous ‘hoop’ for quite some time.  Hoops is the title track from their second album, which delivered way beyond expectation and is incredible live.  I caught them at The Cooly Hotel on the Gold Coast and completely fan-girled over Elliott.  Dem Margin genes tho.

*Side note – their ‘Hoops’ album artwork can be used to play the circle game from Malcolm In The Middle where you make a circle with your fingers, hold it below your waist and if you manage to coax some unsuspecting chump into glancing at it you get to punch them.

*Second side note – violence is bad mmmkay.


  1. The Lulu Raes: Burnout

After much deliberation it has been decided that ‘Burnout’ by Sydney lads The Lulu Raes would have to take home the final flag.  The first I’d heard of them was at The Small World Festival and it was love at first listen.  I wasn’t lying when I said they’d be on high rotation after that.  There’s just something original about their self proclaimed ‘pop n roll’ sound, largely due to the strange but super voice of lead singer Eddie.



Honourable mentions go to: Taylor Swift ‘Wildest Dreams’, Kendrick Lamar ‘The Blacker The Berry’ and Years and Years ‘King’.

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